Prayer Project

the prayers of innocent children

are beloved to god.

Children are pure and free of sin, and their prayers are especially beloved by G-d. Keren Hayeled is home to pure children, and the idea of the Prayer Project sprouted as a way to let the children give back to our generous, caring supporters.

It’s simple. Any donation of $100+ qualifies for the Prayer Project. We post a plaque from which our children pray for you and a request of your choice. 

Of course our children include all donors in their prayers, always. For donations over $100 we post a plaque from which the children pray for the request of your choice, and we send you a picture of their prayers on your behalf.

Keren Hayeled orphanage girls decorating the dining room wall, as an activity during Israel war time
Keren Hayeled dorm counselors at their surprise party, celebrating their dedicated work with the orphanage children during war time in Israel
Girls smiling, working on decorating the dining room wall at Keren Hayeled orphanage in Israel