
As home to 160+ children ages 5-18, Keren Hayeled provides several types of living facilities to best suit the variety of needs, and backgrounds our children come from.
The Keren Hayeled Dormitories serve approximately 60 children each, with separate buildings for the boys and girls. Within each dormitory the children are divided into groups of 8-12, and led by a trained counselor, certified by Israel’s Ministry of Welfare.
Additionally, each dormitory is staffed by 3 social workers, 2 psychologists, and a psychiatrist, who develop a personalized rehabilitation program for each child individually. They then work closely with the teachers, counselors and parents to ensure the child is thriving and progressing properly.
keren hayeled is "home"
in every way.
Family Living Facilities:
In addition to the dormitories, Keren Hayeled offers Family Living Facilities for boys with particularly difficult backgrounds, who need extra care and attention. These facilities serve 12 children each, ages 5-14, and are staffed by a married couple who serve the role of Parents to the boys, as well as 2 counsellors and a social worker. The Family Living Facilities are next-best to a natural home.
educational facilities
Keren Hayeled strongly emphasizes enriching the lives of our children beyond their regular school studies. We include hobbies, activities, and skills which will grow their self-esteem and the foundations for becoming stable, productive members of society.
Particularly for children from dysfunctional or broken families, we insist on providing state-of-the-art facilities. This helps fill the natural void in their lives with meaningful and wholesome activities. Aside from brightening their lives, this also contributes to their growing into well-rounded, diversified individuals.
Through applying expert, modern therapy techniques to these traditional educational activities, Keren Hayeled’s specially trained staff promotes skills which will enable our children to succeed in many other ways in life.
From therapeutically guided computer-literacy and electronics; carpentry and gardening; music, dance and drama; physical education, animal therapy and more, the children of Keren Hayeled get the most from our individualized and diversified extra-curricular programs and facilities.
we care about their growth
and we want them to thrive.
Keren Hayeled provides a rich variety of activities and extra-curricular development programs, as well as assisted therapies through play, music, animals, and drama. Our programs include:
- Art and Drawing
- Gardening
- Carpentry
- Electronics
- Drama and Dance
- Singing
- Music and Instruments
- Physical Education and Sports
- Computer Literacy
- Animal-assisted Therapy
- Home Economics